The nearest departure of coaches and buses Lublin - Busko-Zdroj
🕘 Departure time | 🚏 Leaving from | 🚌 Carrier |
8:35 tomorrow | Lublin Aleje Tysiąclecia 6 | SOFTTRAVEL |
🕘 Departure time | 🚏 Leaving from | 🚌 Carrier |
14:55 in 3h 29m | Busko-Zdrój ul. Waryńskiego D.A. | SOFTTRAVEL |
14:55 tomorrow | Busko-Zdrój ul. Waryńskiego D.A. | SOFTTRAVEL |
Should you search for the timetables of coaches and buses from Lublin to Busko-Zdroj in other day than today (11.09) or tomorrow (12.09) please check the tabs with timetables below. Connection on route Busko-Zdroj - Lublin is run by following carriers:
Carrier’s profile
🎫 Online tickets: buy ticket now
⏳ Duration: 4h 5m
🌍 Route:
Lublin Aleje Tysiaclecia 6 - Niedrzwica Duza - Krasnik - Goscieradow - Annopol - Ozarow - Sandomierz - Koprzywnica - Loniow - Osiek - Polaniec - Slupia - Solec-Zdroj - Stopnica - Busko-Zdroj ul. Warynskiego D.A.
Runs daily | |
8 | 35 |
Runs daily | |
14 | 55 |
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