busy-krk.pl - online timetables

Goldap Warsaw coaches and buses - timetables

Carriers: Zak Express and PKS Polonus

📅 Monday 17 February, 14:06

The nearest departure of coaches and buses Warsaw - Goldap

Warsaw → Goldap

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
15:45 in 1h 39mWarszawa Dworzec ZachodniŻak Express
19:50 in 5h 44mWarszawa Dworzec ZachodniŻak Express
6:20 tomorrowWarszawa Dworzec ZachodniŻak Express
15:45 tomorrowWarszawa Dworzec ZachodniŻak Express
19:50 tomorrowWarszawa Dworzec ZachodniŻak Express

Goldap → Warsaw

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
22:30 in 8h 24mGołdap ul. PolnaŻak Express
2:05 tomorrowGołdap ul. PolnaŻak Express
12:05 tomorrowGołdap ul. PolnaŻak Express
22:30 tomorrowGołdap ul. PolnaŻak Express

Timetables updated on 04.02.2025

Should you search for the timetables of coaches and buses from Warsaw to Goldap in other day than today (17.02) or tomorrow (18.02) please check the tabs with timetables below. Connection on route Goldap - Warsaw is run by following carriers:

Carrier’s profile

📞 Tel./Booking: (+48) 703 202 022 (1,29 PLN/min)

⏳ Duration: 5h 27m

🌍 Route:

Warsaw Dworzec Zachodni - Emilianow - Ostrow Mazowiecka - Lomza - Stawiski - Szczuczyn - Grajewo - Elk - Augustow - Nowinka - Suwalki - Olecko - Kowale Oleckie - Goldap ul. Polna

📈 Passengers's rating: 3.1 (votes: 70) • Add rating

From Warsaw to Goldap

Runs daily

From Goldap to Warsaw

Runs daily

Carrier’s profile

⏳ Duration:

🌍 Route:

Warsaw - Goldap

📈 Passengers's rating: 3.2 (votes: 267) • Add rating

From Warsaw to Goldap


From Goldap to Warsaw


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