busy-krk.pl - online timetables

Opole Lubelskie Lublin coaches and buses - timetables

Carriers: GTS Eurobus and WZT Wojtowicz Bus

📅 Tuesday 15 October, 6:12

The nearest departure of coaches and buses Lublin - Opole Lubelskie

Lublin → Opole Lubelskie

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
10:10 in 3h 58mLublin ul. RuskaWZT Wójtowicz Bus
10:25 in 4h 13mLublin ul. RuskaWZT Wójtowicz Bus
13:15 in 7h 3mLublin ul. RuskaWZT Wójtowicz Bus
13:25 in 7h 13mLublin ul. RuskaWZT Wójtowicz Bus
14:00 in 7h 48mLublin ul. RuskaGTS Eurobus

Opole Lubelskie → Lublin

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
8:15 in 2h 3mOpole Lubelskie RynekWZT Wójtowicz Bus
8:30 in 2h 18mOpole Lubelskie RynekWZT Wójtowicz Bus
11:00 in 4h 48mOpole Lubelskie RynekWZT Wójtowicz Bus
11:30 in 5h 18mOpole Lubelskie RynekWZT Wójtowicz Bus
12:05 in 5h 53mOpole Lubelskie RynekWZT Wójtowicz Bus

Timetables updated on 08.12.2020

Should you search for the timetables of coaches and buses from Lublin to Opole Lubelskie in other day than today (15.10) or tomorrow (16.10) please check the tabs with timetables below. Connection on route Opole Lubelskie - Lublin is run by following carriers:

Carrier’s profile

📞 Tel.: (+48) 693 023 939

⏳ Duration: 1h 26m

🌍 Route:

Lublin ul. Ruska - Belzyce - Poniatowa - Opole Lubelskie ul. Stary Rynek

📈 Passengers's rating: 3 (votes: 2) • Add rating

From Lublin to Opole Lubelskie

Mon. - Fri.SaturdaySunday

From Opole Lubelskie to Lublin

Mon. - Fri.SaturdaySunday

Carrier’s profile

📞 Tel.: (+48) 507 230 701

⏳ Duration: 1h 21m

🌍 Route:

Lublin ul. Ruska - Belzyce - Poniatowa - Opole Lubelskie Rynek

📈 Passengers's rating: 5 (votes: 4) • Add rating

From Lublin to Opole Lubelskie

Mon. - Fri.SaturdaySunday
1010 2510251025
1315 251325

From Opole Lubelskie to Lublin

Mon. - Fri.SaturdaySunday
815 30830830
1100 30

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