The nearest departure of coaches, buses and trains Krakow - Prague
🕘 Departure time | 🚏 Leaving from | 🚌 Carrier |
6:40 in 5h 52m | Kraków Dworzec MDA | FlixBus |
19:10 in 18h 22m | Kraków Dworzec MDA | FlixBus |
20:30 in 19h 42m | Kraków Dworzec MDA | FlixBus |
5:59 tomorrow | Kraków Główny | 🚆LEO Express |
6:40 tomorrow | Kraków Dworzec MDA | FlixBus |
🕘 Departure time | 🚏 Leaving from | 🚌 Carrier |
2:45 in 1h 57m | Praga Zličín | FlixBus |
15:00 in 14h 12m | Praga Dworzec Główny | LEO Express |
15:25 in 14h 37m | Praga ÚAN Florenc | FlixBus |
0:05 tomorrow | Praga Zličín | FlixBus |
2:45 tomorrow | Praga Zličín | FlixBus |
Should you search for the timetables of coaches, buses and trains from Krakow to Prague in other day than today (8.11) or tomorrow (9.11) please check the tabs with timetables below. Connection on route Prague - Krakow is run by following carriers:
Carrier’s profile
🎫 Online tickets:
⏳ Duration: 7h 35m
🌍 Route:
Line N899: Krakow MDA Bus Station - Katowice - Ostrawa - Olomuniec - Brno - Prague Zličín - Ratyzbona - Monachium
Line N1310: Medyka - Przemysl - Rzeszow - Tarnow - Krakow MDA Bus Station - Katowice - Zory - Jastrzebie-Zdroj - Ostrawa - Olomuniec - Prague Zličín - Norymberga - Furth - Erlangen - Frankfurt nad Menem - Moguncja - Koblencja - Akwizgran - Bruksela - Antwerpia - Rotterdam
Line N1315: Krakow MDA Bus Station - Katowice - Zabrze - Gliwice - Nysa - Kudowa-Zdroj - Prague ÚAN Florenc - Pilzno - Stuttgart - Strasburg - Chalon-sur-Saône - Lyon
Runs daily | |
19 | 10 |
Runs daily | |
2 | 45 |
Runs daily | |
20 | 30 |
Runs daily | |
0 | 05 |
Runs daily | |
6 | 40 |
Runs daily | |
15 | 25 |
Carrier’s profile
⏳ Duration: 6h 32m
🌍 Route:
Krakow Glowny - Myslowice - Katowice - Tychy - Bogumin - Ostrawa - Studénka - Suchdol nad Odrou - Hranice - Přerov - Olomuniec - Zábřeh - Ústí nad Orlicí - Pardubice - Kolín - Prague Dworzec Glowny
Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. | Sat. | Sun. | |
5 | 59 | 59 |
Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. | Sat. | Sun. | |
15 | 00 | 00 |
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