busy-krk.pl - online timetables

Szczucin Tarnow coaches and buses - timetables

Carriers: RTM Trans

📅 Tuesday 18 February, 16:01

The nearest departure of coaches and buses Tarnow - Szczucin

Tarnow → Szczucin

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
16:20 in 19mTarnów PlantyRTM Trans
16:40 in 39mTarnów PlantyRTM Trans
17:00 in 59mTarnów PlantyRTM Trans
17:20 in 1h 19mTarnów PlantyRTM Trans
17:40 in 1h 39mTarnów PlantyRTM Trans

Szczucin → Tarnow

🕘 Departure time🚏 Leaving from🚌 Carrier
16:15 in 14mSzczucin RynekRTM Trans
16:35 in 34mSzczucin RynekRTM Trans
17:05 in 1h 4mSzczucin RynekRTM Trans
18:15 in 2h 14mSzczucin RynekRTM Trans
19:05 in 3h 4mSzczucin RynekRTM Trans

Timetables updated on 04.02.2025

Should you search for the timetables of coaches and buses from Tarnow to Szczucin in other day than today (18.02) or tomorrow (19.02) please check the tabs with timetables below. Connection on route Szczucin - Tarnow is run by following carriers:

Carrier’s profile

📞 Tel.: (+48) 722 137 128

⏳ Duration: 1h

🌍 Route:

Tarnow Planty - Brzozowka - Lisia Gora - Kobierzyn - Bren - Zelazowka - Dabrowa Tarnowska - Gruszow Maly - Smegorzow - Radwan - Skrzynka - Szczucin Rynek

📈 Passengers's rating: 5 (votes: 1) • Add rating

From Tarnow to Szczucin

Mon. - Fri.SaturdaySunday
620 40
700 20700 45700
800 20 40
900 20 40930940
1000 20 40
1100 20 401130
1200 20 401230
1300 20 401310
1400 20 401430
1500 20 4015301540
1600 20 40
1700 20 40
1800 2018301830

From Szczucin to Tarnow

Mon. - Fri.SaturdaySunday
515 40 55
615 35 55600 30600
715 35 55
815 35 55810840
915 35 55
1015 35 551010
1115 35 5511101155
1215 35 55
1315 35 551310
1415 35 5514101425
1515 35 55
1615 35

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